
Zurich 'What Can Go Right?'

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Zurich ‘What Can Go Right?’ Carbon Capture Statues

Climate change is undeniable and while the problem can feel impossible to tackle, it’s up to all of us – from large multi-national companies to individuals – to take action for positive change.

So in association with COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland, we launched Zurich Insurance’s new global platform ‘What Can Go Right?’ by creating the first ever statue made from CO2 captured from the air. Each figure in the installation represents people around the world joining together, bumping elbows for change – a fight everyone can join whether they take big actions or small actions. The climate fight is something no one person owns.

Zurich Insurance


Experiential, Film, Print/OOH,
Digital, Social,
Campaign Website





The process of making a statue out of captured CO2 had never been done before and was a journey that took over a year to fully figure out. Working along side scientists and engineers, our production partner, Missing Pieces, explored how to take the raw carbon material, captured from the air using carbon sequestration, and use it as a component to build a statue with. The process was long, arduous and full of wrong turns and learnings but ultimately we were able to create not only one but six statues made from air pollution and other recycled materials.

The statue itself was designed and sculpted by Edinburgh’s Powderhall Bronze and used 300kg of O.C.O’s manufactured limestone (M-LS) combined with other environmentally-friendly materials, including recycled plastics.



The statue was installed in Glasgow’s Merchant Square and up for the duration of the COP26 event. Viewers were asked to interact with the statue by standing in the space left in the circle of statues. When the viewer steps into the statue and bumps elbows with the figures, the statue would light up and glow.